What I Love About My Major: Hospitality


In this video, UD Lerner College students majoring in hospitality and event experience management and hospitality industry management share their favorite things about their major, from favorite classes to meaningful experiences.


Jordan Modzelewski: I chose the hospitality major because it was something that I was really passionate about coming into school, and I thought that it provided a lot of opportunity for me to gain industry experience as well as learn about different aspects of hospitality that are not necessarily just the restaurant and hotel business. The hospitality industry management major allows students to learn about finance, marketing, as well as business analytics, which were all business segments that I wanted to learn about within the industry.

Carter Vaughan: I think that the hospitality major is really unique because of the experiences that we have both in our classrooms and with the faculty outside of the classroom. A lot of the things that I’ve done and the internships I’ve gotten have been with the aid of the hospitality department because they’re just so dedicated to helping their students and making sure that they have everything that they need. They answer questions outside of the classroom, in the classroom, they help you get connections. They really want to see you succeed and help you achieve those goals you’re setting in the classroom, so that by the time that you graduate you have a better understanding of what you’re getting into in the real world, and you’re just that much more equipped.

Yee Win: So, my favorite class in our major would be Breakfast Lab, and it’s ran by Chef John and Chef Joe, where we basically learn a lot of how to cook a lot of different foods, and we just had a lot of fun. My favorite class was probably learning how to torch the creme brûlées and how to make the mix. It was quite delicious, and I honestly had a lot of fun.

Modzelewski: Two of my favorite experiences within the hospitality industry management major were a cruise management trip that I took my sophomore spring. This was a weeklong study abroad where I was able to experience being on a cruise and learn about the back end of the cruise management process, which was a really interesting and fun experience. My second favorite experience within the major was taking a trip in January of 2020 to Los Angeles to the ALIS conference, which is the Americas Lodging and Investment Summit. This provided me a great opportunity to meet and network with individuals that are in the real estate business, such as hotel brokers, real estate brokers, hotel general managers and other high-net worth individuals that are prominent within the industry.

Vaughan: My career goals at this point in time in hospitality are to provide experiences for people, and that’s one of the things that I’ve learned in my classrooms. Whether it’s working in a hotel or a restaurant, I really want to make a memorable experience for the customers that I’m serving. So, I’m not quite sure what I want to do yet in hospitality, but I know that that’s one thing that I really want to do.

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