Zvi Schwartz, chairperson and professor of the University of Delaware’s Department of Hospitality Business Management, received the 2019 Founder’s Award at the 24th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism. The event was held in Houston, Texas on Saturday, January 5. The Founder’s Award was created to recognize a world-class scholar in the field of hospitality and tourism for his/her significant contribution in research, scholarship and development of graduate programs/students.
His scholarly research and industry consulting focus on the core technical and strategic elements of the revenue management cycle: forecasting, optimization and monitoring; as well as the closely-related topics of strategic pricing and consumer and firm decisions in advanced reservation environments. Recent projects explored novel hotel forecasting approaches, occupancy forecasting accuracy measures, hotel competitive sets, overbooking optimization and revenue management performance measures.
Schwartz teaches courses in hotel management at both the graduate and undergraduate level and mentors doctoral and master’s students. He is an active member of the International Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE), the chair of I-CHRIE’s Revenue Management special interest group (SIG) and chaired I-CHRIE’s research academy track. Schwartz has received numerous research awards. He is a three-time recipient of ICHRIE’s W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Published Research Paper of the Year Award and his research grants total over $600,000.