Accounting Student Association

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have almost 30 unique student groups that they can choose to join. In each installment of this series, an executive member of one of these student groups will share their first-hand experience choosing, participating in and eventually leading their group.


Jeel Patel, Class of 2022 accounting major with minors in trust management and economics, is the president of the Accounting Student Association at the Lerner College. Patel shared why she joined the Accounting Student Association, what makes this group unique and more!


Lerner: When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Patel: I chose to join this group last year when I picked up accounting as a major to get more insight into the accounting field along with new networks.

Lerner: What is the mission/goal of your student group?

Patel: The mission of the student group is to introduce and connect accounting students with different opportunities in the accounting field.

Lerner: When and where does your student group meet and approximately how many members do you have?

Patel: We usually have our meetings online once a month where we ask different people and firms to come speak about their profession. We have approximately 75 members.


Lerner: What is your best memory from this student group?

Patel: My best memory has to be when the Santora CPA group came to speak with us about their opportunities, they were very much eager to give opportunities to students in the club.


Lerner: What is unique about your student group?

Patel: Our student group isn’t just about networking, it’s about helping accounting students find a future career path in accounting that they will enjoy.


Lerner: What has been your proudest moment leading your student group?

Patel: My proudest moment leading my student group has to be that many firms are actually reaching out to us to present to us about their opportunities more than having us reach out to them.


Lerner: What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Patel: My goal for the future of the student group would be to try to have events more than once a month.


Lerner: How has your student group helped you grow?

Patel: My student group has helped me become more innovative with new ideas of what we could do with the club, along with leading and making sure the rest of the exec is responsive.


Lerner: Is there any additional information regarding your student group that you believe has not been covered? Please feel free to share.

Patel: We invite anyone interested in the accounting profession to join!

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