Minor in Trust Management

Help clients achieve their financial goals.

The field of trust management encompasses legal, tax, accounting, investment and financial topics pertaining to managing trusts. In the trust management minor, you’ll learn how to build and maintain relationships with trust clients and corporate partners in the field of high net-worth planning. You’ll study strategies for efficient intergenerational transfer of wealth and achieving clients’ personal estate planning, philanthropic and financial goals. This unique learning opportunity is not available at many other universities.

Through the minor coursework and internship, you’ll build a foundation of skills and experience for a career in the areas of tax, finance or law in the trusts and estates field.

The trust management minor is open to all UD students (non-Lerner students must complete prerequisite courses).

You’ll prepare for jobs like:

  • Trust administrator
  • Wealth planner
  • Relationship manager
  • Trust officer
  • Compliance officer
  • Fiduciary tax advisor
  • Fiduciary investment manager

The Trust Management Minor at Lerner

In this video, faculty, employers and a current student share about the value of Lerner’s trust management program.

Watch the video

Program Highlights


Every student completes an internship with a financial institution. The internship gives you valuable experience in the field of trusts and wealth management.

Trust Management Minor Mentor Program

Our mentoring program connects students and trust industry professionals. Visit the Trust Management Minor Mentoring Program page to learn more about the program or enroll as a student mentee or professional mentor.

Program Requirements

Required courses (18 credits)
All courses must be taken in sequence. Prerequisites: ACCT 207, ACCT 352, FINC 311

Fall junior year
ACCT 313 – Taxation for Business or ACCT 413 – Investment Planning
ACCT 450 – Legal Issues of Trust and Fiduciary Entities

Spring junior year
ACCT 416 – Fiduciary Income Taxation
ACCT 418 – Estate Planning

Senior year
FINC 364 – Finance in Practice
FINC 426 – Trust Management Symposium

Prerequisite courses for non-Lerner students
Non-Lerner students must first complete these courses.

ACCT 200 – Survey of Accounting
ACCT 352 – Law and Social Issues in Business
BUAD 100 – Introduction to Business
ECON 100 – Economic Issues and Policies
FINC 200 – Fundamentals Finance

Learn More

Jennifer Zelvin McCloskey, JD, LL.M., Attorney at Law
Instructor, Director of Trust Management Minor

Admissions Information

Learn more about undergraduate admissions requirements, deadlines, tuition and financial aid available to you.