Over 20 faculty members from UD’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics had research published in top journals in their respective fields in 2020. This included the top 50 journals used in the Financial Times research rank, journals cited in the UT Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings and journals identified as highly selective “A” journals by the Lerner College’s five academic departments. This list is just one way the Lerner College recognizes and celebrates high-quality scholarship created and published by its faculty.
“It is up to the departments and their faculty to determine the criteria to select those journals using a variety of metrics (including but not limited to impact factors),” Lerner Dean Bruce Weber said. “We ask that the department ‘A’ journal list reflects only the best leading refereed journals in their respective fields and that the departments create these lists to recognize and promote top scholarly research productivity.”
Lerner College 2020 “A” Journal Publications
Although some of the journal articles in this list have a 2019 or 2021 date noted, all research listed was originally published in 2020.
Accounting and Management Information Systems
Gang Wang, Assistant Professor of MIS
Bai X., Marsden, J., Ross, W. & Wang, G. (2020). A note on the impact of daily deals on local retailers’ online reputation: mediation effects of the consumer experience. Information Systems Research, 31(4): 1132-1143.
Carolyn Levine, Professor of Accounting, Chairperson, Accounting and MIS Department
Cheynel, E. & Levine, C. B. (2020). Public disclosures and information asymmetries: a theory of the mosaic. The Accounting Review, 95(1): 79-99.
John D’Arcy, Professor of MIS
D’Arcy, J., Adjerid, I., Angst, C. & Glavas, A. (2020). Too good to be true: firm social reputation and the risk of data breach. Information Systems Research, 31(4): 1200-1223. Also see How Faking Social Responsibility May Get Companies Hacked
Jing He, Assistant Professor of Accounting
He, J. & M. Plumlee. (2020). Measuring disclosure using 8-K filings. Review of Accounting Studies, 25(3): 903-962.
Business Administration
Shuba Patvardhan, Assistant Professor of Management
Patvardhan, S.D. & Ramachandran J. (2020). Shaping the future: strategy-making as artificial evolution. Organization Science, 31(3): 671–697, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2019.1321. Also see Shaping the Future in the Present.
Junbo Son, Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Son, J., Brennan, P.F. & Zhou, S. (2020). A data analytics framework for smart asthma management based on remote health information systems with Bluetooth-enabled personal inhalers. MIS Quarterly, 44(1), 285-303. Also see How Data Analytics Could Help Treat Asthma.
Sal Mistry, Assistant Professor of Management
Stoverink, A. C., Kirkman, B. L., Mistry, S. & Rosen, B. (2020). Bouncing back together: toward a theoretical model of work team resilience. Academy of Management Review, 45: 395-422. Also see 6 Strategies for Helping Your Team Survive a Crisis.
Ming Zhao, Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Zhao, M. & Zhang, M. (2020). Multiechelon lot sizing: new complexities and inequalities. Operations Research, 68(2): 534-551.
Carlos Asarta, Professor of Economics, James B. O’Neill Director, Center for Education and Entrepreneurship
Ahlstrom, L. & Asarta, C. (2019). The gender gap in undergraduate economics course persistence and degree selection. American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, 109: 255-260.
Michael Arnold, Associate Professor of Economics, Chairperson, Department of Economics
Arnold, M. & Zhang, L. (2020). Competition with an information clearinghouse and asymmetric firms: why more than two firms compete (or not) for shoppers. Games and Economic Behavior. 122: 55 – 82.
Jim Berry, Associate Professor of Economics
Berry, J., Fischer, G. & Guiteras, R. (2020). Eliciting and utilizing willingness to pay: evidence from field trials in Northern Ghana. Journal of Political Economy, 128(4): 1436 – 1473.
Olga Gorbachev, Associate Professor of Economics
Gorbachev, O. & Luengo-Prado, M. J. (2019). The credit card debt puzzle: the role of preferences, credit risk, and financial literacy. Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(2): 294 –309.
Parag Mahajan, Assistant Professor of Economics
Mahajan, P. & Yang, D. (2020). Taken by storm: hurricanes, migrant networks, and US immigration. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12(2): 250 – 277.
Terry Campbell, Associate Professor of Finance
Bereskin, F., Campbell, T. & Kedia, S. (2019). Whistle blowing, forced CEO turnover, and misconduct: the role of socially minded employees and directors. Management Science, 66: 24-42, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3229
Yu Xu, Assistant Professor of Finance
Chen, H., Xu Y. & Yang, J. (2021). Systematic risk, debt maturity, and the term structure of credit spreads. Journal of Financial Economics, 139(3): 770-799, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2020.09.002
Matthias Fleckenstein, Assistant Professor of Finance
Cremers, M., Fleckenstein, M., & Gandhi Priyank. (2021). Treasury yield implied volatility and real activity. Journal of Financial Economics, 140(2): 412-435, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2020.12.009
Fleckenstein, M. & Longstaff, F. (2020). Renting balance sheet space: intermediary balance sheet rental costs and the valuation of derivatives. Review of Financial Studies, 33(11): 5051-5091, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhaa033
Fleckenstein, M. & Longstaff, F. (2020). The US treasury floating rate note puzzle: is there a premium for market-to-market stability. Journal of Financial Economics, 137(3): 637-658, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2020.04.006
Laura Field, Donald J. Puglisi Professor of Finance, Chairperson, Finance Department
Field, L., Souther, M. & Yore, A. (2020). At the table but cannot break through the glass ceiling: board leadership positions elude diverse directors. Journal of Financial Economics, 137(3): 787-814, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfineco.2020.04.001 Also see The Top of the Glass Ceiling.
Mahsa Kaviani, Assistant Professor of Finance
Kaviani, M., Kryzanowski, L., Maleki, H., & Savor, P. (2020). Policy uncertainty and corporate credit spreads. Journal of Financial Economics, 138(3): 838-865
Fei Xie, Professor of Finance
Masulis, R., Wang, C. & Xie, F. (2020). Employee-manager alliances and shareholder returns from acquisitions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(2): 473- 516, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022109019000036
Hospitality and Sport Management
Jing Ma, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Business Management
Sheryl Kline, Deputy Dean, Aramark Chaired Professor
Kim, T.J., Almanza, B., Ma, J., Park, H. & Kline, S.F. (2021). The cleanliness of restaurants: ATP tests (reality) vs consumers’ perception. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(3): 893-911, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-08-2020-0822. Also see Hotel Stay? Stay Safe
Sri Beldona. Professor of Hospitality Business Management. Chairperson, Hospitality and Sport Management Department
Liu, Y. & Beldona, S. (2020). Extracting revisit intentions from social media big data: a rule-based classification model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-06-2020-0592.
Zvi Schwartz, Professor of Hospitality Business Management
Tim Webb, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Business Management
Schwartz, Z. & Webb, T. (2021). Resource similarity, market commonality, and spatial distribution of hotel competitive sets. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1096348020988579
Joanne Jung-Eun Yoo, Associate Professor of Hospitality Business Management
Yoo, J., Newland, B. & Lee, W. (2020). Influencing active sport event tourists’ loyalty to event and destination. Event Management, 24(2-3), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3727/152599519X15506259856336