M.S. in Business Analytics and Information Management + M.S. in Cybersecurity

Become a cybersecurity and IT expert.

This program combines two successful programs within the University of Delaware, the Lerner College’s M.S. in business analytics and information management (BAIM) program and the College of Engineering’s M.S. in cybersecurity.

As a student in this dual degree program, you will build skills that are critical to the successful implementation and management of both cybersecurity and IT in government and business.

Program Requirements

The dual degree program requires 48 credits.

BAIM Core Courses (15 credits)
ACCT 604 – Database Design & Implementation
MISY 606 – Object-oriented Systems Analysis, Design & Implementation
MISY 610 – Telecommunications & Networking
MISY 650 – Security & Control
MISY 605 – Current Issues in MIS
Cybersecurity Core Courses (15 credits)
Choose 5 from:
CPEG 665 – Introduction to Cybersecurity
CPEG 697 – Advanced Cybersecurity
CPEG 694 – System Hardening & Protection
CPEG 695 – Digital Forensics
CPEG 676 – Secure Software Design
CPEG 671 – Pen Test & Reverse Engineering
CPEG 672 – Applied Cryptography

Advanced Electives (18 credits)
BAIM course; choose 1:
MISY 627 – Information Technology & Organizational Effectiveness
MISY 640 – Project Management & Costing
MISY 630 – Business Intelligence & Analytics
Choose 3 cybersecurity courses from one of the areas of concentration below, plus 2 additional courses from any of the areas:

Secure Software:
CISC 621 – Algorithm Design & Analysis
CISC 663 – Operating Systems
CISC 672 – Compiler Construction or CPEG621 Compiler Design
CISC 675 – Software Engineering Principles & Practices
CISC/CPEG 611 – Software Process Management
CISC/CPEG 612 – Software Design
CISC/CPEG 613 – Software Requirements Engineering
CISC/CPEG 614 – Formal Methods in Software Engineering
CISC/CPEG 615 – Software Testing & Maintenance
CPEG 670 – Web Applications Security
CPEG 676 – Secure Software Design

Secure Systems:
CISC 650/ELEG 651—Computer Networks II
CISC 853 – Network Management
CISC 886 – Multi-Agent Systems
CPEG 673 – Cloud Computing & Security
CPEG 675 – IoT and Embedded Systems security
CPEG 696 – Topics in Cybersecurity
CPEG 853 – Computer System Reliability
ELEG 635 – Digital Communication
ELEG 617 – The Smart Grid
ELEG 658 – Advanced Mobile Services
ELEG 812 – Wireless Digital Communications

Security Analytics:
CISC 637 – Database Systems
CISC 683 – Introduction to Data Mining
CISC 681 – Artificial Intelligence
CISC 684 – Introduction to Machine Learning
CISC 689 – Topics: Artificial Intelligence
CPEG 657 – Search & Data Mining
ELEG 630 – Information Theory
ELEG/FSAN 815 – Analytics I: Statistical Learning
ELEG/FSAN 817 – Large Scale Machine Learning

STEM OPT Program

This STEM-designated degree program provides international students 24 months of OPT (Optional Practical Training) in addition to the original 12 months.


  • Lerner Graduate Student Stories: Felisters Khaikwa Wamayuyi  - Felisters Khaikwa Wamayuyi is pursuing a dual MBA and M.S. in business analytics and information management (BAIM) degrees, while serving as a data analyst for the Christiana Care Health System. She’s expected to graduate in Spring 2023 and she’s shared why she pursued her graduate degrees with UD’s Lerner College.  
  • What is a STEM Degree - What are the advantages of STEM degrees? What are STEM-designated degrees? And, how can foreign students harness them to optimize their education and professional experiences in the U.S.?
  • What is business analytics? - What do business analysts do? How much do they make? Could the career be right for you? Find out in this straightforward introduction to the field.
  • What Can You Do With a Management Information Systems Degree? - A strong background in management information systems (MIS) prepares students to spot business trends and help companies achieve success. Read this article to find out if a degree in MIS is right for you.
  • Lerner Graduate Student Stories: Muhammad Usman - Muhammad Usman, MBA and master of science in business analytics and information management dual degree candidate, shared how this program has impacted him and what he plans to do next.


Please contact the department of electrical and computer engineering at ece-info@udel.edu for more information.

Admissions Information

Admission is to the dual degree program. You must meet the admission requirements of both the M.S. in business analytics and information management and M.S. in cybersecurity. The GRE is required for admission to the dual degree program. For more information, please visit the M.S. in cybersecurity program page.