MBA + M.S. in International Business

By combining a Lerner MBA with an M.S. in international business, you’ll be equipped to succeed in today’s global business world.
MBA courses will ground you in the fundamentals of management and give you the skills that will make you a more effective manager. In your international business courses, you’ll learn how to understand cultural differences and communicate effectively. The elective courses you choose will deepen your knowledge of economics, finance, entrepreneurship or IT in the global context.
Program Requirements
The 59-credit MBA/M.S.I.B. dual degree program combines the required courses for the MBA program with additional courses from the M.S.I.B. program.
As an MBA/M.S.I.B. dual degree student, you must complete the same sequence and timing of required M.S.I.B. required courses as your fellow students in the M.S. program. You can complete your MBA courses before or after the M.S. required curriculum.
Consult the M.S.I.B. program director for advising on coordinating the requirements.
Required MBA Courses (29 credits)
BUAD 620 – Fundamentals of Analytics
BUAD 631 – Operations Management and Management Science
BUAD 640 – Ethical Issues in Domestic and Global Business Environments
BUAD 670 – Managing People, Teams and Organizations
BUAD 680 – Marketing Management
BUAD 690 – Corporate Strategy
ECON 603 – Economic Analysis for Business Policy
FINC 650 – Financial Management
Professional Development Seminars:
BUEC 601 – Building Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking (1 credit)
BUEC 603 – Communicating, Branding and Career Networking (1 credit)
Required M.S.I.B. Courses (30 credits)
BUAD 611 – Globalization and Business
BUAD 641 – Managing the Global Enterprise
BUAD 648 – The Future of Globalization: Issues, Agents, Decisions & You
BUAD 678 – Leading Across Boundaries
International Business Elective (3 credits):
ACCT 683 – International Accounting
BUAD 640 – Ethical Issues in Domestic and Global Business Environments
BUAD 643 – Special Topics in Global Business
BUAD 682 – International Marketing Management
ECON 841 – International Trade and Development
FINC 615 – International Finance
SPTM 620 – International Sport Management and Marketing
Interdisciplinary and/or business electives:
You may choose 15 business and/or interdisciplinary elective credits in a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, accounting, economics, finance, political science, entrepreneurship, marketing and management.
Admissions Information
To be admitted, you must apply directly to the dual degree program and meet the admission requirements of the MBA and M.S.I.B. programs. The admissions directors for each program will evaluate your application separately and will apply the criteria specified by their respective programs.
The GMAT and GRE are optional for both the M.S.I.B and MBA programs.
If you are already enrolled in either individual program, you may apply for a change of degree to the dual program prior to receiving the first degree. You must complete both programs after you are admitted to the dual degree program in order for the dual degree to be conferred.
Learn more about MBA admissions requirements, deadlines, tuition and financial aid available to you.
Questions About the MBA?
Meet with the admissions team during one of our upcoming Zoom sessions.
Study Abroad
Lerner students embark on global adventures through study trips and international internships.