Lerner Faculty: Top Research Journal Articles In 2021

More than 25 faculty members from UD’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics published research in their respective fields’ leading refereed journals in 2021. This included the top 50 journals used in the Financial Times research ranking, journals cited in the University of Texas (UT) Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings and journals identified as highly selective “A” journals by the Lerner College’s five academic departments. This list is just one way the Lerner College recognizes and celebrates high-quality scholarship created and published by its faculty.

“Lerner’s mission statement confirms our faculty members’ commitment to ‘generate knowledge by proposing solutions to business and economic problems [and] cultivate a diverse faculty pursuing impactful scholarship,’” said Lerner Dean Bruce Weber.  “The most visible means for advancing our college’s reputation and raising our scholarly profile is our faculty developing research programs that target the most respected and competitive journals in their field.”

Lerner College 2021 “A” Journal Publications

Accounting and Management Information Systems

Xiao Fang, Professor of MIS, JPMorgan Chase Fellow

Fang, X., Gao, Y., Hu, P. (2021). A prescriptive analytics method for cost reduction in clinical decision making. MIS Quarterly, 45 (1): 83-115.

Lin, Y. and Fang, X. (2021). First, do no harm: Predictive analytics to reduce in-hospital adverse events. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(4): 1122-1149.

Jennifer Joe, Whitney Family Professor of Accounting, Cohen Family Lerner Director of Diversity, Chief Diversity Advocate

Fuller, S, Joe, J., and Luippold, B. (2021). The effect of auditor reporting choice and audit committee oversight strength on management financial disclosure decisions. The Accounting Review 96(6): 239–274.

Joe, J., Sanderson, K. and Luippold, B. (2021). Does susceptibility to the numerosity heuristic impact juror assessments auditors’ liability? Contemporary Accounting Research 39(1): 87-116.

Jiaheng Xie, Assistant Professor of MIS

Xie, J., Zhang, Z., Liu, X., & Zeng, D. (2021). Unveiling the hidden truth of drug addiction: a social media approach using similarity network-based deep learning. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(1): 166-195.

Nir Yehuda, Associate Professor of Accounting and MIS

Bhojraj, S., Bloomfield, R., Jang, Y., and Yehuda, N. (2021). Cost Structure, Operating Leverage and CDS Spreads, The Accounting Review, 96(5): 79–105.

Jang, Y. and Yehuda, N. (2021). Resource adjustment costs, cost stickiness, and value creation in mergers and acquisitions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(3): 2264–2301.

Business Administration

Andong Cheng, Assistant Professor of Marketing

Cheng, Andong, Hans Baumgartner and Margaret Meloy. (2021). Identifying the picky shopper: who they are and how to spot them. Journal of Consumer Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcpy.1223

Kyle Emich, Associate Professor of Management

Emich, K.J., & Vincent, L.C. (2020). Shifting focus: The influence of affective patterns on group creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 156, 24-37.

Martin, S.R., Emich, K.J., McClean, E., & Woodruff, T. (2021). Keeping teams together: How ethical leadership moderates the effects of performance on team efficacy and social integration. Journal of Business Ethics. Online.

Katalin Takacs Haynes, Associate Professor of Management

Takacs Haynes, K., & Rašković, M. M. (2021). Living with corruption in Central and Eastern Europe: Social identity and the role of moral disengagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(4): 825-845.

Matthew McGranaghan, Assistant Professor of Marketing

McGranaghan, M., Liaukonyte, J., Wilbur, K.C. (2022). How viewer tuning, presence, and attention respond to ad content and predict brand search lift. Marketing Science, forthcoming.

Liying Mu, Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Li, Y., Mu, L. (2021). The role of offline trade in sharing accommodation. Decision Sciences, forthcoming.

Mu, L., Hu, B., A, Reddy, A., Gavirneni, S. (2021). Negotiating government-to-government food importing contracts: a nash-bargaining framework. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, forthcoming.

Zachary Nolan, Assistant Professor of Marketing

Malone, J.B., Nevo, A., Nolan, Z., Williams, J. (2021). Is OTT video a substitute for tv? Policy insights from cord-cutting. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–31.

Junbo Son, Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Lu, G., Lee, H., and Son, J. (2021). Product variety in local grocery stores: Differential effects on SKU-level sales. Journal of Operations Management, 68(2): 33-54.

Yi-Lin Tsai, Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Tsai, Y. & Honka, E. (2021). Informational and non-informational advertising content. Marketing Science, forthcoming.

Ming Zhao, Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Fan, R., Zhao, M., and Peng, D. (2021). Differentiating interhospital transfer types: varied impacts and diverging coordination strategies. Production and Operations Management, 30(10),:3657-3678.


Sabrin Beg, Assistant Professor of Economics; Adrienne Lucas, Professor of Economics

Beg, S., Fitzpatrick, A., Lucas, A. (2021). Gender bias in performance assessments: evidence from teachers. American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 111: 190-95.

Fitzpatrick, A., Beg, S., Derksen, L., Karing, ?, Kerwin, J., Lucas, A., Reynoso, N., and Squires, M.. 2021. Health knowledge and non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 190: 33-53.


Beg, S. (2021). Digitization and development: property rights security, and land and labor markets. Journal of the European Economic Association, 20(1): 395–429.

Beg, S. (2021). Tenancy and clientelism. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 186: 201-226.

Jim Berry, Associate Professor of Economics

Berry, J., Mehta, S., Mukherjee, P., Ruebeck, H., Shastrye, G.K. (2021). Crowd-out in school-based health interventions: Evidence from India’s midday meals program. Journal of Public Economics, 204.

Orlov, G., McKee, D., Berry, J., Boyle, A., DiCiccio, T., Ransom, T., Rees-Jones, A., and Stoye, J. (2021). Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach. Economics Letters.

Francisco Costa, Assistant Professor of Economics

Costa, F. and Gerard, F. (2021). Hysteresis and the welfare effect of corrective policies: Theory and evidence from an energy saving program. Journal of Political Economy, 129(6):1705-1743.


Mahsa Kaviani, Assistant Professor of Finance

Kaviani, M., Kryzanowski, L., Maleki, H. & John, K. (2021). Do country-level creditor protections affect firm-level debt structure? Review of Finance, 25(6): 1677-1725.

Fei Xie, Chaplin Tyler Professor of Finance & Iannaccone Faculty Fellow

Xie, F., Zhang, B. & Zhang, W. (2021). Trust, incomplete contracting, and corporate innovation. Management Science, forthcoming.

Wang, C., Xie, F. & Zhang, K. (2021). Expert advice: industry expertise of M&A advisors and acquirer shareholder returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.

Hospitality and Sport Business Management

Timothy DeSchriver, Associate Professor of Sport Management; Timothy Webb, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Business Management

DeSchriver, T.D., Webb, T., Tainsky, S., & Simion, A. (2021). Sporting events and the derived demand for hotels: Evidence from southeastern conference football games. Journal of Sport Management. 35(3), 228-238. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0268.

Sheryl Kline, Deputy Dean and Aramark Chaired Professor

O’Rourke, R. K., Mayo, F. B., & Kline, S. F. (2021). Teaching etiquette to students in hospitality and tourism programs. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(5), 858–861. https://doi.org/10.1177/10963480211020561.

Jing Ma, Assistant Professor of Hospitality Business Management; Webb; Zvi Schwartz, Professor of Hospitality Business Management

Ma, J., Webb T., & Schwartz Z. (2021). A blended model of restaurant deliveries, capacity constraints and distributions channels: Theory and empirical observations. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.102981

Schwartz, Z., Webb, T., & Ma, J. (2021). Hotel Analytics: The case for reverse competitive sets. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 52(4), 371–373. https://doi.org/10.1177/19389655211036656

Schwartz; Webb

Schwartz, Z., Webb, T., van der Rest, J. I. & Koupriouchina, L. (2021) Enhancing the accuracy of revenue management system forecasts: The impact of machine and human learning on the effectiveness of hotel occupancy forecast Combinations across Multiple Forecasting Horizons. Tourism Economics. 27(2), 273-291. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816619884800

Webb; Sri Beldona, Professor of Hospitality Business Management; Schwartz

Webb, T., Beldona, S., Schwartz, Z. & Bianco, S. (2021). Growing the pie: An examination of coopetition benefits in the U.S. lodging industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33(12), 4355-4372. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-03-2021-0340

Joanne Jung-Eun Yoo, Associate Professor of Hospitality Business Management

Bonn, M., Chun, Y., Yoo, J. & Cho, M. (2021). Green purchasing by wine retailers: roles of individual values, competences and organizational culture. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, forthcoming.

Cho, M., and Yoo, J. (2021). Customer pressure and restaurant employees’ green creative behavior: Serial mediation effects of restaurants’ ethical standards and employees’ green passion.  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33(12), 4505-4525. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-06-2021-0697

Yoo, J. & Cho, M. (2021). Supply chain flexibility fit and green practices: Evidence from the event industry, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33(7), 2410-2427. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJCHM-09-2020-0999/full/html

Although some of the journal articles in this list have a 2020 or 2022 date noted, all research listed was originally published in 2021.

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