Minor in Advertising

Advertising is omnipresent in today’s world; it drives the sale of products and services. The minor in advertising is designed to give students from any major an understanding of the fundamental concepts of communication and marketing needed to make an impression in today’s crowded marketplace.
The minor in advertising will increase the value of your undergraduate degree by:
- Building your understanding of marketing and economics
- Developing your communication and public relations skills
- Demonstrating practical tactics in advertising management
- Examining social and cultural issues inherent in new media and technologies
The advertising minor offers courses in marketing, media, economics and a variety of communications subjects. You will gain familiarity with the rapidly changing digital media landscape and learn the practical strategies you need to make an impact on any audience.
Program Requirements
Required courses for business majors
BUAD 471 – Advertising and Media Management
COMM 245 – Media and Society
Choose one of the following:
BUAD 473 – Consumer Behavior
BUAD 477 – Digital Marketing
ENTR 211 – Storytelling
ENTR 350 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENTR 351 – Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENTR 355 – User-Centered Research Methods for Entrepreneurship
ENTR 356 – Creativity and Design Thinking
BUAD 470 – Introduction to Personal Selling
Choose three of the following:
ART 204 Media/Design/Culture
COMM 209 – Introduction to Public Relations
COMM 224 – Introduction to Electronic Media Production
COMM 313 – Communication Principles in Advertising
COMM 325 – Studio Television Production
COMM 333 – Social Media Management
COMM 423 – Communication, Advertising, and the Consumer
EDUC 485 – Multimedia Literacy
ENTR 211 – Storytelling
Required courses for non-business majors
BUAD 471 – Advertising and Media Management
COMM 245 – Media and Society
Choose one of the following:
ART 204 – Media/Design/Culture
COMM 209 – Introduction to Public Relations
COMM 224 – Introduction to Electronic Media Production
COMM 313 – Communication Principles in Advertising
COMM 325 – Studio Television Production
COMM 333 – Social Media Management
COMM 423 – Communication, Advertising, and the Consumer
EDUC 485 – Multimedia Literacy
ENTR 211 – Storytelling
Choose three of the following:
BUAD 473 – Consumer Behavior
BUAD 477 – Digital Marketing
ENTR 211 – Storytelling
ENTR 350 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENTR 351 – Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENTR 355 – User-Centered Research Methods for Entrepreneurship
ENTR 356 – Creativity and Design Thinking
BUAD 470 – Introduction to Personal Selling
Application Process & Eligibility
The minor is awarded only to students who have applied and been admitted to the program. Admission is based on the availability of seats and the GPA of the student. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 will be required for consideration. Students must complete 60 credits at the University of Delaware prior to application. Apply online through UDSIS.
Alumni Testimonial
“What made my UD experience special was the freedom given to me by the faculty. They understand how quickly marketing changes in the real world, and were always open to letting me explore new points of view that challenged traditional book knowledge. Practicing this kind of innovative thinking helped me hone my problem solving skills and prepared me immensely for a career path in start-ups and digital marketing. I still keep in touch with several faculty members today to share ideas and continue to fine-tune my skills.”
-Stephen Murphy, Class of 2009, LocalVox
Admissions Information
Learn more about undergraduate admissions requirements, deadlines, tuition and financial aid available to you.
AACSB Accredited
For over 50 years, most Lerner business and accounting programs have been accredited by AACSB.